
Game One Recap

For those who made it out to game #1 give yourself a pat on the back. We had a total of 4 boys and 5 girls and lost 14-12 only because a couple of boys cramped out of the game; props to the ladies for steppin’ it up and playing defense against the men. I think it’s time to get in shape!! Do I hear more squats??!

Big Thank Yous to Deanna for subbing on such short notice, great D’s and that WICKED pass into the end zone to Cecile!! And to Rhea for bringing Cecile!! :D

We have a few changes in our roster as Jamie and Jillyan will no longer be playing with us. Please welcome Cecile, who has been voluntold/peer pressured onto the team and Sandy has also stepped up to the pitch. We’ll see how the next game goes to see if there will be other roster adjustments.

  • Fitness: We shouldn’t be cramping out if we’re properly warmed up even if our fitness level isn’t all that great. Let’s make sure we are properly hydrated and have eaten before a game. If that is not possible then lets try to bring some bananas and apples to the field. Granola bars help too.

  • Setting cuts: We are in a relatively low pool, and by setting our cuts, we are not only able to out run our defenders for a pass, but we’ll be efficient in doing so, therefore conserving energy. Let’s make it easy for ourselves.

  • Recognize forces, keeping the force: The team this week was often on the wrong side of their defender. Let’s learn to recognize the mistakes. That being said, a few of us were on the wrong side of our mark as well. Make sure you are between your defender and the disc at ALL times.

  • General Flow: This will come as we play together as a team. Learning each other’s speed, adjusting speed of throws, watching cuts, mirror cuts, less clogging etc.

  • I will post the next game details once it’s up. Please post on the comment box whether or not you will be at the game. I’d like to know numbers so I can prep for savage games.

    Is there any interest in meeting up on non game nights just to do a few drills and some tossing? For those who are new to the game, it would definitely help on your throws, and general understanding of the game.

    Let me know what days are good for you.

    Thanks, much appreciated.


    Guido said...

    Hey, sorry I missed the first game :( (I like to run, but I understand now that is not the most important thing)
    Anyway, I would be up to practicing if it were close to downtown.

    Also... I hear that all our games are in the north wilderness, which means I may need to hitch a ride with someone if the game is not near a subway or more than a 45 minute bike ride from downtown.


    P.S (brown nosing) Our captains rock!!

    Bonnie said...

    We have a car leaving every Monday night around Yonge and Sheppard around 5:30/5:45ish. Does that help?

    Guido said...


    Perfect... I will head to Yonge and Sheppard every Monday. My cell is 416-938-7295.

    Eric said...

    Guido- WTF. Be there for games. I never miss games (except the first one) :P

    hahahahahahhhaha jokes. sorry i had to miss the first game boys and girls, and guido, i'm just kidding around!!!

    next monday = victory*

    *if we score more points then them

    eric :D