
Burgers, Beer & Wings Night

Dearest BoC,
Good game last night everyone & great first game for Guido and Sandy. Though it wasn't one of our tougher games, it definitely allowed us to be creative. That said, our offense and zone defense desperately needs some fine tuning and cleaning up.

So, after our game next week, Mike & Stephanie has graciously provided their home for our use. For those who are new, we will be going over Eric's PowerPoint from last year and I'd like most of the team, if not everyone to participate.

Please bring $5 to help cover food & drinks costs.
Psst...I hear Rhea's bring Crystal Lite, and Grape Kool-Aid. And Allan? Life brand ibuprofen? :)



Anonymous said...

i'll bring dell computers..... o_0

Anonymous said...

Address is 38 Deanbank Dr.
From Yonge, go East on John (John is between Steeles and Centre). Turn left at the second stop sign (Lehill), and left at the dead end (Deanbank). Go all the way around the corner, im the farthest on the right in the crescent (#38).

Please bring $5 to cover burgers,wings beer, etc. If anyone does not eat/ drink burgers or beer and wants something else, please bring it with you.

Also, if its nice out you can go swimming, so bring a towl and bathing suit.


Bonnie said...

Or just be in your Ultimate gear and be pushed into the pool!

Guido said...

I'm gonna need a ride to this next game and to the after party.


Bonnie said...

Guido!! Meet Allan, Rhea, Dan & I @ Don Mills Station @ 5:45pm at the Kiss and Ride!! The fields are 5 mins away.

Anonymous said...

Allan, I am just going to head to the field straight from work - it's easier for me than going to Don Mills. See you there!